Magical Kissing ladies kissing dating and seduction

Emotional Kissing - Your Lips Don't Lie..

You may have the best technique in the worlds but if in your heart, the man you are kissing means nothing more than a means to an end for you, then that is what will come across in your kiss.

Your kiss may be perfect in terms of placement of lips and tongue, but it will have the heart and soul missing from it. Just like someone playing the piano perfectly, but without any feeling at all, because without emotions no experience can be complete in

Detach yourself from the end result. Kiss him but with no expectations of what you want to happen next or how often you should kiss, as though you are both keeping score. Go with the flow and when your partner senses there is no pressure on him but to enjoy this moment and this kiss, he too will relax and the experience will become even better for both of you.

What's more he will be always willing to kiss you anytime, anywhere because you don't put any kind of pressure on him or have any great expectations, but capture and enjoy the moment for what it is.


Physical Expression

Hug a lot without touching the erotic zones.

Cuddle together.

Walk holding hands.

Lace your fingers or play footsie every opportunity you get.

Slide one arm around his waist, or his around your shoulder.

When you walk through a crowded place, let him place a hand on your shoulder to guide you safely through. At the same time, that hand for you signifies possession and for him, it suggests protection. Your arm in his, signifies your trust in him.

Caress his cheeks.

Play with his hair.

Gaze deep into his eyes
In short, feel free to let your imagination roam and do what you want.

Facial Considerations

Don't be angry

Don't frown or worry.

Don't get stressed

Smile a lot.

Crack jokes and try too hard to be interesting.

Don't take yourself and life too seriously.

Look overly concerned (and feel it too).

Listen to him with interest.

Gaze at him, take in his features, drown in his eyes.

Be thoughtful and considerate.


Vocal Considerations

Communicate with him.

Talk about your interests.

Ask him what he likes.

Compliment him every day on something that you really feel is nice.

Admire him and tell him what you admire about him.

Tell him what a great physique he has.

What clothes really suit him.

Whether you like his hairstyle.

Tell him things like, 'I like you because ...'

My personal favorite is, 'You are different from other men because ...'
To end, a kiss is a gesture of great intimacy. It leaves us vulnerable and open to another human being, who can hurt us, with a few
careless words. We cuddle in each other's arms and seek refuge from the world. We breathe deeply of each other's skin and come close enough to show our flaws. We open our lips, our bodies and mind and welcome another, who a minute ago was a stranger, but will never be unknown to us anymore.

That is the power of a kiss. Just one simple lip to lip kiss.


Ladies Kissing, Dating, and Seduction
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  • Kissing - Love Emotions
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  • Lips Don't Lie!
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  • Facial Expressions
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  • Handling Rejection
  • Dating Relationships

    Ladies Kissing, Dating, and Seduction

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